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Sabria Twon had had enough. She finally made it up in her mind to do some serious soul searching about what to do next post-divorce, retirement, and empty nesting. For starters, Bria decided to no longer ignore God’s pebbles, Lord knows she had dodged many bricks (obstacles) along the way, so she ventured off alone to relocate to the big state of Texas to begin a new life.


Bria had been so many things to so many people for ever so long. Now it was time for her, no more excuses, no more putting others first, no questions asked, she sells her house, sends her adult children a text with her plans and off she goes.


At this stage in her life, there was only one person’s opinion that mattered. It was at that moment, Bria faced herself straight in the mirror and asks, “Hey you. What about me, Bria Twon?”


In her pursuit of happiness and fulfillment, Bria is determined to find the answer. The question was, would Bria be willing to face the reality that lie ahead?


SKU: 364215376135191


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