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Ahtrae Publishing

Vision Statement

Our vision is to encourage literary authors, specifically women writers, to amplify their authentic voices to satisfy all readers curiosity. By our fiction readers will see themselves through the lens of characters, while humorously entertaining them and by our non-fiction readers will be educated, supported, and uplifted.

Mission Statement

Ahtrae Publishing, LLC’s mission is to be a reputable self-publishing leader who promotes quality, professionalism, and credible publishing for authors who believe pen to paper can lead them becoming a successful self-published author.

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Values Statement

Ahtrae Publishing, LLC through honesty and integrity will always put our client first. Our aim is excellence and professionalism. Our goal is to see the selfpublished author achieve highly competitive branding as our traditionally published authors. We aspire to lead our clients based on hands on experience. We work for the client and will get the best value for our client’s investment. Ahtrae Publishing, LLC is not a vanity press will not operate as such. We aim to provide quality over “bootleg” products. We will follow the same criteria as a traditional publisher. Our checklist will include obtaining an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) for each item of literary work.

​We will ensure each client is registered with the Library of Congress United States Copyright Office to register the literary work for copyright. We will ensure each client registers with the Library of Congress United States for a Library of Congress Control Number. We will ensure each client has completed their literary work prior to publishing, to include professional edit guidance for grammatical errors, content flow, proofreading, and typesetting options (hard copy and eBook). We will work with the client to secure a professional cover design. We will discuss marketing and book launch/release options of the published literary work. We will refer the client to an ongoing forum for the best social media strategies, vice forums to use for ongoing promotions and advertisements. (Face Book, Instagram, Tik Tok, etc.)


Eartha is a leader and mentor. Eartha writes women’s inspirational fiction. Eartha’s desire is to encourage women to be their best selves. Eartha’s goal is for readers to see themselves through the lens of her characters, while humorously entertaining them.


 $2500  includes a 4 Phase Publishing process philosophy 

Phase 1

Phase 1 consultation and overview of manuscript we will ensure each client has completed their literary work otherwise known as the manuscript and put in the required format

A business meeting
Phase 2

Phase 2 Editing seek professional editorial assistance prior to publishing to include professional edit guidance for grammatical errors constant flow proofreading intent typesetting options hardcopy an ebook examination of project for spelling grammar punctuation proper word usage except versus accept style formatting logical flow redundancy consistency miss labeling and miss numbering of pages ambiguous or incorrect statements inappropriate figures of speech and sexes and slang usage comprehensive assessment of story concepts including suggested revisions evaluation of story structure format and plot points assessment of characterizations point of view dialogue and setting editing for consistency of word usage syntax style and tone proofreading for typographical errors punctuation missing words grammatical errors

Phase 3

Phase 3 Obtain an international standard book number ISBN for each item of literary work registration with the library of Congress United States copyright office to register the literary work for copyright registration with the library of Congress United States for a library of congress control number secure a professional cover design secure type setting and book distribution forum i.e. Ingram spark Amazon KDP

Phase 4

We will provide marketing and book launch/release guidance of the published literary work.

Who will refer the client to an ongoing forum for the best social media strategies face forums to use for ongoing promotions and advertisements Facebook Instagram TickTock

A manuscript that has been edited with track changes in Microsoft word and a detail review of completed services

The client agrees to submit the manuscript as a text document (doc or docx) submit the manuscript double spaced in a 12 point readable font such as times new Roman or Ariel with 146 double spaced pages or less submit a manuscript to which he/she has contractual legal and or proprietary rights pay 50% of the fees set forth upon submission of the manuscript upon payment of the balance the manuscript will be returned to the client who retains all rights to the material. no portion of the review letter or editorial notes may be used for promotional or endorsement purposes. no attribution of self publishing services to be stated within the publication or any website without the consent of AHTRAE publishing LLC

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Ahtrae Publishing Authors & Books

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Tyress Cunningham

If you follow a stray bullet into a project day, you'll see small schemes turn into big dreams. Conflict of Interest is a hard concrete story where bullets, beauty, and deception turn into late-night gunfights. Where the smoke and mirrors are broken through jealousy, manipulation, and hatin’. Pistols are drawn between the infamous Spanish Fly and the cutthroat gangster Popcorn. Their friendship is held at gunpoint, and it doesn’t help that the conniving broad Luv Luv, whose sexy loose lips tend to sink ships, is in on all the drama.


This slick tale riddled with suspense will have you tripping and slipping over the pages as you turn a blind eye to the violence, keeping your silence. You'll wonder whose side to choose, but you must pick a side in this war. No one can remain neutral. Just know there will be no jumping the fence when there's a conflict of interest. And when real mackin’ comes into play, somebody's gonna pay.


In his debut novel, author Tyress Cunningham takes us into the heart of the conflict that causes idols to become rivals. Who will survive this game, who will lose everything, and who really has the most to gain? 

About The Author

Tyress “Tiger Woodz” Cunningham

You want to know me?

Been in the streets ever since I was fourteen years old.

Been locked up in jail thirty-one times.

Been to prison two times.

Been in rehab two times.

Been in a mental institution two times.

Tried to commit suicide two times.

Been stabbed three different times.

Been shot and grazed myself in the ankle.

Been homeless.

Been a bum.

Been a panhandler.

Been a clown.

Been a send off.

Been laughed at.

Been manipulated.

Been cheated on.


So, when you see me trying to do better and trying to win this time, understand where I’ve been before you say something about me. And the city of Rockford can vouch for everything I just said, it ain’t no secret.

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